It seems the older adults of America thought they could just kick the can down the road, and the road would never end. Now the children of the old, and especially of the younger are screwed. The country is bankrupt other than the fact that the treasury can print currency. People are starving on the street and no one helps them. The climate is soon going to ruin life in the southwest. The southwest is running out of water, cause we caused the planet to try to kill us. Whatever you want to call climate change is the earth fighting back at us, for not being good stewards of the earth. So now all the following generations are going to have to pay the old people's debts, and there isn't enough money for it. People will inherit higher and higher debts, and we will just end up selling people as human-trafficked people to China and our creditors. All this time people thought Jesus would come and we wouldn't have to deal with this. Well, covid happened and Jesus never showed. Maybe if it gets really bad he will, but don't make your plan B Jesus is going to whisk me off to heaven, and I won't have to deal with the mess the previous generations left youth to clean up.
By Joel D Youngquist
