If a woman was good at the dating game in life, she could convince, probably about any guy to date her, and she finds the right guy and she does the stuff women do they want you to ask them out. Accidently meeting that are anything but. Cause in realilty women chooses the men who they date, men are given the illusion that it was up to him, but she always has final say. So once a woman finds guy who's doing well, but like not well enough he would want to get a prenupt. Then you date and your like really good at dating, and then he pops the question. Then you get married, but you are only marrying him for your nice ring and half his stuff and money, at the first oppertunity, Like this is a serious risk for a guy that he has to take, like woman could divorce you in a year on like nothing but you don't agree and it's not going to be agreed on. Second a woman wants to she just divorce anyone for really any reason, because irrequencilbe disagreements is a valid reason for divorce. Like the guy should have to like mess up and cheat or mistreat her and their kids. Something, but sometimes people in marriages argue and it's reason enough for the woman to get half of everything you have. Like when your married sharing is caring and like yeah it's both your money, but seriously there needs to be real reasons for divorce. This is probably the reason there is as much divorce as there is today.
Also, people say why wouldn't you buy the cow if you got the milk for free. Well what if this cow had really good milk and you knew you just had to have this cow, because chances are milk from the cow over across the field won't be nearly as tasty. Like some guys just want to drink good stuff like one type or brand milk, it will be like brand loyalty if said cow was giving away some milk bottles. He will be like I've had milk bottles from a few other cows, but I think I like this cow's milk the best, and I don't want another man to get this sweet cow's milk, cause then won't be as much for me. Excuse me farmer that's a nice cow can i get some milk from her. Then he loved the taste of the cow's milk and he said can I buy food for and take care of this cow when needed. like I just need to get some things straight, and I need to make sure this cow really wants to always have her cows milk. When the time comes I will buy it from you not many questions asked.
By Joel D Youngquist