People seem to think, or at least my mom when I saw someone in a witches hat on a normal day I'm like oh there's a witch. They really do exist, but not explaining why I knew to be honest.
But if you look up witchcraft books, you'll find alot of books on the subject and on magic studies.
Harry Potter does exist in some ways, but is sensationalized to the real proven effects of the craft
That being said people can be wiccan and say they are witches and have been initiated into a coven
These things are no longer illegal in use, as long as you're not breaking any normal laws
You are not supposed to be able to be arrested for just the practice of magic arts.
Wiccan books will tell you the Wiccan reed and if it will harm none, do what you will.
Basically it's saying if you do like a love spell try not to harm the target and for most part wiccan's are not neseciarly supose to hinder a persons free will or volition.
So basically google search magic studies book and go to like a shop you will see these for sale by numerous websites and lots of published works on this subject.
By Joel D Youngquist
