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Contraversial ideas are me.
If you like the writings of a humanist, I got just letters arranged into words you will like.
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Joel Youngquist
Apr 22, 20211 min read
You can print a persons photo with normal paper and printer.
I wonder if people know that you can print anyone's picture with a regular printer. Like it doesn't have to be photo paper it will still...
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Joel Youngquist
Apr 22, 20211 min read
Can't sell sex for food if none is available.
We have it really good in the united states. There are really countries that have no access to food or clean drinking water, in some of...
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Joel Youngquist
Apr 15, 20212 min read
How you could play the dating game and win.
If a woman was good at the dating game in life, she could convince, probably about any guy to date her, and she finds the right guy and...
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Joel Youngquist
Mar 23, 20211 min read
Could Jesus even come back without being psych imprisioned
If revelation is accurate why is there no talk about the technology we have now Like the end is suppose to come but they don't talk about...
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Joel Youngquist
Mar 18, 20211 min read
The reason men work hard, go to war, and try to become rich Is because what you really want is sexual relations with a woman The goal of...
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Joel Youngquist
Mar 18, 20211 min read
Some people wear clothes that make them look penniless Even though some of these people have many pennies Other people wear clothes that...
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Joel Youngquist
Mar 18, 20211 min read
some comedy
Back in the civil war, there was a famous cavelry man, named Biggus Ditkus People who saw him on the turf of the ground of where his...
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Joel Youngquist
Mar 14, 20211 min read
When is the end by trying to do religous mathmatics.
so 666 times 3.33 comes out to 2217.78 So maybe the world ends at 7/8/2217 Also 666 times Pi is 2092.30070729 So maybe the end of the...
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Joel Youngquist
Mar 4, 20211 min read
Are we going to become robot's pets
I wonder if we ever get to the point of robots making robots, we'll be robots pets Like AI can be anyone in any game, like you can't beat...
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Joel Youngquist
Mar 2, 20211 min read
Human trafficed for only 4k to 50k
So I looked up human trafficing and the criminals make 4k to 50k per victim Like for anywhere from that amount a person could own a...
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Joel Youngquist
Mar 1, 20211 min read
Women as human as anyone
Some men seem to think women are creatures or angels They are neither a beast or divine they are humans Everyone agrees that men are...
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Joel Youngquist
Feb 27, 20211 min read
Is the universe truly just
If the universe is just, why do people that deserve to have not have And people not deserving too have can have very much Not everyone is...
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Joel Youngquist
Feb 27, 20211 min read
Is there sex in the afterlife?
The bible or any pastor I've meant never explains if there is sex in heaven According to the church sex is for procreation As I...
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Joel Youngquist
Feb 9, 20211 min read
Chore Gap
Turns out in alot of households the woman does every chore I had no Idea, and I hope that men step up and help It is not tough work, I...
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Joel Youngquist
Feb 3, 20211 min read
It could be worse.
Being hungry without food, and/or water is about the worse thing that could happen to someone The only thing I can think is if you were...
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Joel Youngquist
Jan 23, 20211 min read
Barting for love
When a man meets a woman that he likes, and that she's willing to spend time with He ends up buying dinner, movie, popcorn, transport,...
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Joel Youngquist
Jan 19, 20211 min read
Sciencitific magic beans.
I think modern pharamaticals are kind of like magic beans you eat. Your sick in some part of your body or your body is unhealthy and you...
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Joel Youngquist
Jan 17, 20211 min read
being happy with yourself
People think everything can be known, but this is not the case God may know everything, but he is God Also, you might think you can have...
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Joel Youngquist
Jan 17, 20211 min read
Why am I alive
I think the meaning of life is romance Being in love with someone and that person loves you back Is the greatest feel a person can So in...
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Joel Youngquist
Jan 7, 20211 min read
produce, reproduce, and recycle.
In some ways life is basically about production, reproduction, and now recycling People want a good job to live well, and to attract...
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